Team Malibu Dana Moved for Love at El Barracuda Beach in Punta Mita, Mexico on May 15th.. our team raised $1300 .. and the Dr Love Foundation raised over $130,000 to fight breast cancer ❤️ Go to to donate or to learn more details go to
Every year I pray with all my heart to find a cure🙏 to end breast cancer .. to stop the tears falling down my face as we lose another patient to breast cancer, as we lose another butterfly, as we lose another friend or loved one.. I know I was put on this planet to help other breast cancer patients, but dear universe, wouldn’t the world be a happier, better place if we could put an end to this disease that has impacted so many lives.. it almost broke me 10 years ago as my dignity was shattered .. the surgeries, the chemo, the radiation, the infertility, the meds, and all it’s lasting demons, but I stand here on the other side and I represent one of lucky ones.. how lucky am I just to be here breathing.. grateful for every moment .. grateful to Dr Susan Love who helped save my life 10 years ago.. and tomorrow as we Move With Love together, all the vibrations will be felt across Mother Earth as we move to find a cure Dr. Susan Love Foundation for Breast Cancer Research @drsusanlovefoundation ❤️ .. with gratitude for every breath xo your malibu dana 🦋
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